Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters



You should probably post this on a more recent thread so it isn’t missed.

Break him for information, they wanted him dead so he couldn’t talk. Same reason they sprayed down the whole roof, get rid of evidence and the 8 shell casings. Since I’d bet there were zero casings. They used him

Hello, my mother-in-law was at the rally, and although she was further away from the former President, she captured some interesting footage. Feel free to listen to the audio of the shots: IMG_0994.MOV - Google Drive


Much clearer sound thanks.

The Secret Service is treating the bicycle as a “suspicious device”… lol!
Local sniper through open window is referred to as “Michael”.

You can actually hear the loacal law enforcement’s shot at the end, a little “clip” as final “kill” shot later. Questio s is why did SS take a last “kill” shot after all other shots stopped and the shooter obviously been terminated?


My thoughts are that ESU fired shot 9 from the open window and killed Crooks. What I am driving at is what the USSS sniper was actually firing at when he fired his round. I don’t believe he hit Crooks or his head would have exploded. Garand Thumb shows this. So does Brendan Herrera. This begs the question where did the round go? Did it just miss and hit the building behind, or did it go into someone else that we don’t known about, or was it deliberately fired into the ground. Can we determine where the USSS counter sniper was pointing his weapon when he fired the round?

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Correct. Yet all the photos and videos show that Crook’s head was essentially intact. I am as near certain that he wasn’t hit in the head by the USSS .300 round as I can be. So the USSS sniper missed, shot someone else, or buried the round in the ground.
Other questions. If Crooks was killed by shot 9 from the ESU .308, through the head, why don’t we see a similar effect? My working swag is that the round hit his rifle with enough force to kill him and throw the rifle a few meters across the roof as seen. But this would result in damage to the rifle which, again, they aren’t owning up to.

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Do you have that original pic to share? Would be helpful for Chris (and the rest of us!) to determine the shot’s angle.

Shot 1 was actually TWO shots fired simultaneously by two Deep State shooters (not Crooks). These shooters received a “countdown” through headphones or earbuds. The military trains seven riflemen to fire simultaneously as members of an honor guard. The seven rifles discharging sounds like one loud shot and is about six times louder than a single shot.
That is why shot #1 recorded by “Source Four” is about twice as loud as shots 2 & 3 which were fired by only one of the Deep State shooters. After the first synchronized shots it would have been impossible to synchronize additional shots at a moving target.
I believe that the shooter who fired the single shot barely missed Trump but hit a bystander wearing a red cap and light
colored pants in the upper LEFT corner of the bleacher stand to Trump’s left as he faced the crowd. Reversing the bullet’s trajectory from the bystander to Trump’s position and then continuing on the trajectory crosses the AGR front parking lot and possibly the portion of the AGR building on the far side if the parking lot. I believe that a shooter fired only one shot from a vehicle in the parking lot or from the roof on the far side of the parking lot.
The other Deep State shooter’s first shot hit Trump’s ear and continued on striking the bystander in the upper RIGHT corner of the same bleacher stand where the other bystander was hit at the upper Left corner. Both bystanders were clearly hit and reacted before shot #2 rang out.
There is no way possible for a single bullet to strike Trump, strike the bystander in the upper RIGHT corner and then make an acute reverse angle and travel backwards to strike the bystander in the upper LEFT corner.
“Source Four” shot #1 is proof that, in addition to Crooks, there were TWO Deep State shooters.
Thank you so much for all that you are doing with your excellent acoustics analysis, Chris! I don’t mean to come across as having all the answers but I’m fairly confident in what I hear from “Source Four” shot #1.

Its possible to mathematically map the reports from the guns on a 2 grid if there is 3 or more clear audio sources. This will show down to 10 or so feet where the report originated.

The principle is quite simple. The actual implementation a bit harder.

If you know when the gun was fired, you can triangulate the source of the shot with only 2 sources, by simply timing them then triangulating.

The same can be done if not knowing the exact time if there is 3 sources.

This is done via 3 steeps.

1: Synchronizing the audio files down to the millisecond. This can´t be done with the reports, but have to be done with some other known sound. My best suggestion is to use the sound of the first bullet passing Trump microphone and see if that sound is possible to identify on the other recording.
Note, the recordings then need to be advanced by the distance and speed of sound from the sound source (that is the speakers in this case). This have to be done really accurate.

2: Measure the time from the audio sources getting the reports. The closest source will be the reference and always get the value 0ms, then the second closest source will get 0+X ms, the third 0+Y ms and so on. This can be done for all reports after the audio is synchronized EVEN if the camera moves.

3: Triangulation. Take the value. Map a circle around the position of each source. Then increase the diameter of the circle in a iterative steep until all 3 circles intersect. If there are 4 or more sources the circles will not intersect perfectly, but the closest intersection is the solution.

Note, the position for steep 3 need to be updated for every report if the source moves.

The solution can be done mathematically iterative or graphically. I know how to do it the last two ways, but my math skill is not sufficient for the first.

Chris; your audio files from various locations are THE hard data. Shots 1-3 are distinct from 4-8 especially from sources 4&5. There are a number of YouTube postings of the Grassley released body cam video. The only one that clearly records the officer’s counting Cooks’ 5 casings is best viewed from the Sky News Australia post @

  1. It’s hard to get details of the weapon from the bodycam video. It appears to be somewhat custom; not an ak47 or typical ar15. It’s certain Wray knows. At 5 shots in 0.77 seconds, we have a 390/minute rate which points to some kind of bump stock use. These points make a pretty conclusive story for shots 4-8 and that Cooks, although he might have hit something, was not the shooter of Trump’s ear but just the fall guy, the patsy distraction for shots 1-3.
  2. As a 40+ year veteran mixed-signal IC designer, I understand the inner workings of the recording hardware that captured your audio files. The speed of sound at the site can be presumed to be ~1130fps. The typical sample rate used in cell phones (yes, I’ve designed some of this stuff too) is 48Ks/s. Using these two constants we get a distance/time resolution of about 3.4 inches (1130 feet ÷ 48K). Granted, there is a lot of analog signal processing prior to the actual sampling and conversion to digital and a good bit of post processing in the hardware before storing the data; however, the relative accuracy of the timing of events 1 & 4 is solid. Even if we say that there is a 5ms time ambiguity in the recording device, we still have about a 5.6 foot range accuracy of the incident sound pressure wavefront.
  3. Another known fact is the distance from Cooks’ position and mic #4/5 to Trump’s mic. The timing difference between these two locations of events 1 and 4 will tell us the relative distance between the two shots.
  4. The significant amplitude difference at the #4/5 mic between shot #1 and #4 indicates that the building is blocking the #1 pressure wave. By the time the two wavefronts get to the stage, they’re amplitudes are much closer. Shots 1-3 must be from behind Cooks; how far can be determined by points 2 & 3. If it turns out the timing differences are slight, it would add weight to the window of the adjacent window (post) where the LEOs were sent out to look for Cooks as he climbed into position. Then, the 1-3 shooter moved into that space and hit Cooks with #9. That didn’t finish Cooks, so #10 comes from the water tower.
    ** Anyway, Wray has all of this and any additional evidence has been scrubbed. You might be the ONLY reliable keeper of the mysteries here.
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Apparently they released the info that the rifle was Crooks’ father’s and the model and year of manufacture was known.
This gun enthusiast has a YT channel and owned this exact same rifle and according to him they were inaccurate.

Hi, I found a video of an audio analysis made by someone, it may give some light on the questions …

Just analyzing it from the position of the target gives us no extra data apart from that the range is somewhat similar. Even that is not quite true. Because if the second shooter is slightly closer (way in the lower floor of building (AGR building 9) the the timing would still be the same. of if it was a slightly longer distance (AGR building 7) with a slightly shorter barrel or less hot ammo) the time would still be about the same).

I kind of more leaning to the shooter are in the 7th building. The tryjectory of the bullet seam to be sligthly up, not down. Suggesting a firering position fairly low.

Of cause, first i thougth this was unlikely because they would need to be shooting throw the fence… The issue is… This is the exact position the fence is broken (and it had been for years)