Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

I tried to look through and see if this had been posted yet, couldn’t find anything about it so I figured I’d shoot it out there. My apologies if this has been covered already.

Anyway, this appears to be newly released footage of the shooting from the bleachers. Hopefully this presents new audio data points from what I perceive to be a fairly stable camera.


the information in the reports does not add up…

the Washington SWAT sniper from the location you highlighted:

  • is around 400 yards from crooks on the roof of AGR building 6
  • the pictures we have seen from that sniper’s rifle does not have a suppressor
  • that rifle is of a different type than the rifle of the snipers on the barns behind Trump

it is not known which bullets this rifle takes, but it may be less devastating than the .300 Winchester Magnum rounds of the barn snipers…

the Semper Fi pictures were taken after shot 9 and clearly before shot 10:

the entry and exit wounds mentioned in that report match the damaged stock given that crooks had cheeked the rifle and looked at the Semper Fi-man.

if you look at the angles from where this shot at crooks could have come, you come the people with a rifle between the blue line (line of sight to crooks from the south barn snipers) and the yellow line (Washington Co) on the grandstands.

the red circle shows 400 yards around crooks.

the red straight line shows the line of fire of the SWAT officer who took the 9th shot, based on the bodycam footage, and the orange straight line is the line of fire from crooks’ roof position that grazes Trump’s ear and ends up in the JCB hydraulic lift.

so, you assume that a bullet of that Washington Co sniper would have destroyed crooks’ head, but I am not so sure about that, as it is a different weapon than those of the barn snipers…

Nice find, downloaded and saved. If you’re on X, could you please check #PatriotsInButler periodically for more stuff like that?

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These are the only windows in that building.

windows (Small)


@cohler, I’m looking at the formula you published in Desmos, and I’m having trouble understanding it.

Rewriting it slightly to produce seconds instead of milliseconds, you’ve got:
x = (d-y)/Vs - sqrt(d^2 + y^2)/Vb

x = Snik-Report time difference in ms
y = Distance from mic to bullet at closest point in ft
d = DIstance from shooter muzzle to microphone in ft
Vs = Speed of sound in fps
Vb = Average speed of bullet in fps

To produce the Snick-Report time, you have two terms, let’s call them S and R. The report always comes after the snick, so the basic formula would be:
x = R - S

For your term “R”, you have: (d-y)/Vs
For your term “S”, you have: sqrt(d^2 + y^2)/Vb

I drew this diagram to help me understand your formula:

So, it appears to me like you’re saying that the report time is the the amount of time it takes for the sound to travel to point “r” and that the snick time is the amount of time it takes for the bullet to travel to point “s”. I just don’t see how that could be correct. Would you please explain it?


It’s also hard to fathom that thousands of people are facing Trump (and the barns where the counter-snipers are posted) and no one captured a video of the southern team taking the shot.


Possible, but doubtful that the FBI even looked at that roof. I have no faith in their investigation. However, one of the questions people were asking of @howdoiknowthisinfo is how a shooter got on and off the top of that roof. Well, there’s been a ladder there the entire time. I’m not saying there was a 2nd shooter up there, but it only helps his hypothesis. Imagine if broken glass was discovered near window three on the south side of building 6. Those pushing that hypothesis would be ecstatic yet it wouldn’t prove the time it was broken. The ladder is one more thing that makes you go hmmmm.


yes, and so far, I have not seen any footage of the JCB hydraulic lift getting hit either…

everybody seems to have posted footage looking from the crowd in front of Trump to Trump and the snipers on the northern barn, and hardly any footage is available showing Trump from the left hand side towards the southern snipers and the JCB hydraulic lift…


That ladder is the type that would have to be pulled up to the next roof to reach the highest roof.

You think a pro sniper is fumbling with a ladder on two roofs to access their nest and to escape?

Ladders can be heavy and loud.

Doesn’t seem realistic.

I’m not claiming anything. All I’m pointing out is there’s a ladder stashed up there in somewhat of a conspicuous manner. At this point, I believe Crooks fired all 8 shots but I’m going to keep digging until there’s no more digging to be done and help those here (all that I can) to prove or disprove their theories.


thanks for this confirmation.

this is much appreciated!

Here you can see the speaker tower going down and the hydraulic liquid shooting out.

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yes, thanks for this footage, but what I am looking for is a video from someone in the northern bleachers from where Corey Comperatore was shot who films Trump from right before he got shot at until the 8 shots have been fired.

there seems to be no footage from that angle, even though hundreds of cameras were filming from that location…

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It’s all explained step by step in my previous posts.

Read the post and then let me know what you don’t understand. I don’t “seem” to say anything at all. I simply say things.

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The drawing is not correct. Where is the hipersonic cone?

I missed to see that ladder. Where is it?


That is very interesting.

It looks as if someone climbing out of the right-hand window onto the roof cannot be seen from the street.

Could someone climb out of the window unseen and then climb up the side of the two-storey building using a ladder? Is the view from the street obscured, perhaps by trees?

@cohler, it’s the equation for dc that I’m not understanding.
You say that dc is the distance from muzzle to bullet closest point. That would be like I have marked in this drawing, correct?

But dc is not the hypotenuse of the triangle, it is a side, so wouldn’t it be:

dc = (d2 - ε2)0.5

Therefore, the geometry I think you are modeling is this:

So, your dc and ε are not at the closest point of approach to the recorder, they are at point “s”, which makes them both a bit longer. Then, if I am describing this correctly, how does one know what ε is?


Wow, great work and great find. This makes the high roof even more compelling.


What I’d like to see here is the supersonic cone.
supersonic cone